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- name: BR Andreas Bierfert, M.Sc. (pgp)
- born: 14.12.1982
- job: Brandrat, SE IT A, Berliner Feuerwehr
- email: andreas∴bierfert∂awbsworld∴de
- high school diploma, greenway high school, mn, usa, 2000
- abitur, ritzefeld gymnasium, germany, 2002
- bachelor of science, university of maastricht, netherlands, 2007
- master of science (cum laude), university of maastricht, netherlands, 2008
- Brandassessor, 2011
- worked at Werkfeuerwehr LyondellBasell Wesseling (2011)
- worked as software developer at Atos Worldline (2008-2009) and Atos Origin (2000-2002)
- english with an APIEL grade of 5
- programming skills including C, C++, C#, Java,perl, php,{x,}html,css,sql,tex,matlab
- fedora package maintainer
- voluntary fire fighter